Saturday, November 27, 2010

Find Free Patterns Here!

My website has become positively burdensome.  So from now on, I'll be posting new patterns here.  I'll still have all my old patterns on my website  but new ones will be posted here.  Click on the tabs above to see patterns.

All patterns are free for your personal use.  You may not sell them for profit.  If you would like to use them for charitable purposes, please contact me at

Happy Stitiching!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cross stitch designers share fun patterns

I've been quite busy these last few weeks, stitching up Christmas ornaments.  In the past I have used only my own designs, but frankly, I'm bored with me.  So I googled free patterns and came up with some really great stuff!  Here are just a few examples:

The finishing method is super easy with no sewing needed!  Find the method at

Jessica Tromp has scads of adorable cross stitch patterns that are easy and fun.  Check 'em out!

Find all kinds of Christmas patterns at Cyberstitchers:   That's where I found the snowman in the black hat.

Katherine Martin Tripp has some lovely patterns at  Well worth the visit.

Thanks to all the talented designers who share their work with stitchers all over the world!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Non-Partisan Reporting

The time has come for Americans to unite, to put aside our differences and start working together to make our country strong again.

In that spirit, it is up to us to encourage the media to drop the (R) and (D) behind elected officials names in all reporting. A line in the sand is drawn each time we are reminded of someone's political leaning, and is only sets the stage for contention. 

Without political affiliation to distract us, we will be more open to the ideas being shared, and find that we have much more in common that we thought. 

Non-partisan reporting can heal the rift. 

Tell your news media to drop the party affiliation when reporting the news.