Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sometimes I just can't stop

"Monarch" has been a fun pattern.  But as I looked at it, I felt something was missing.  So I took it back to the drawing board.

Yes, I will send the extra detail to those of you who have chosen this pattern.  Happy Stitching!


  1. Wow! Your variation is lovely. I still think that the colours really make the original design really stand out, but the new diamond border you've added lends the design a whole other dimension, with the four large circular inserts in the corners reflecting back on the central flower medallion. Wonderful work!

  2. WOW this (and all your other patterns) are gorgeous! I love blackwork. Could you please tell me how I can order this pattern? Thank you! My email is missyhull @ knology . net (remove the spaces)


Thanks for stopping in. Your comments are welcome.